1. Infant Care in Lexington That You Can Trust

    It is never easy for working moms and dads to leave their babies. You have this little life that depends on you for every little thing, and now you have to trust them to someone else entirely. It can really help if you find infant care in Lexington that you can trust, and that is where we come in. At Waverly Square Daycare we offer a warm, nurturing environment where your baby will not only get th…Read More

  2. How to raise an imaginative child

    Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board Your toddler's developing brain Your child was born with about 100 billion brain cells. As if that's not amazing enough, now that he's a toddler each of those brain cells is sending and receiving electrical signals, creating connections among brain cells. Through repetition, these connections turn into networks (often called circuits) that allow h…Read More

  3. Toddler Hitting

    TODDLER HITTING: 5 STRATEGIES TO HANDLE IT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2011 Does your child use hitting as a way to express displeasure? Do they smack other kids on the playground? Do they hit you if they don't get what they want? This is natural and normal behaviour for children who do not always have the words or the skills to handle difficult situations. Toddlers and preschoolers will often resp…Read More

  4. Toddler Social and Emotional Development

    The ABCs of Toddler Playdates Playdates can be valuable learning experiences for you and your little ones. Here's how to make the most of your child's social calendar. Save This Article For Later Share this: Font size: AAA By Heather Hatfield WebMD Feature Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD Jennifer Bianco knows how to make the most of a playdate. The mother of a girl and boy, ages 6 and 3 respect…Read More

  5. The Power of Play

    Not just child's play Want to help kids do better in school? Don’t forget to shoo them outside to play. Whether it’s building a castle out of blocks, pretending to be a pirate, or riding bikes, play isn’t just good for the body — it actually helps the brain. Valuable play isn’t limited to structured exercise (like organized sports), and it’s most definitely not playing video games. A…Read More

  6. Waverly Square’s Infant Care in Lexington

    At Waverley Square Daycare we are widely respected for our top rated infant care in Lexington. We maintain a loving, caring environment for your children as well as a low teacher/student ratio in order to allow each student individualized attention throughout the day. Our classrooms and daily schedules are designed to give your infant the maximum amount of time to develop critical cognitive motor …Read More